Self-Awareness, simplified.

a close up of a bunch of purple flowers

Writing, Healing, Affirmations, & Empowerment.

I am a mom, author, and healer with a desire to help individuals live better lives mentally and emotionally.

When I published my poetry compilation after leaving my alcoholic husband, I realized I can help people heal with what I know by speaking my truth openly and loudly.

Through using techniques rooted in self-awareness, CBT, trauma informed care, and spirituality, I am able to help shift perception to help move a person into a higher state of living that they desire while implementing skills to thrive.

That's what these emails are all about!

You will receive a little bit of joy to your inbox with pdfs of helpful info, cheat sheets, and other bits of knowledge to refresh your mindset for a day better than the one before.

Don't forget to check to your email after hitting 'count me in'

to confirm!

    I am not a licensed therapist and highly recommend therapy as a primary tool for deep emotional and mental health. The knowledge I share is rooted in my own spiritual practice, therapy sessions, personal lives experiences and the healing work I have done over the years.

    Check out my Poetry